University of California, Berkeley
Physics & Math Major, Interested in High Energy Physics Theory

Physics 105 Analytic Mechanics (Zi Qiu):
Jerry B. Marion & Stephen T. Thorton, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems
Other Book:
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics
Alexei Deriglazov, Classical Mechanics: Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Formalism
Physics 110A Electromagneticism and Optics (Liang Dai):
David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics
John David Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics
Other Book:
Andrew Zangwill, Modern Electrodynamics
Physics 112 Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics (Austin Hedeman):
Daniel V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Thermal Physics
Charles Kittel & Herbert Kroemer, Thermal Physics
Frederick Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics
Physics 137A Quantum Mechanics (Irfan Siddiqi):
David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
B.H. Bransden & C.J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics
Other Book:
Peter Woit, Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations: An Introduction
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics
Physics 139 Special Relativity and General Relativity (Lawrence Hall):
James B. Hartle, Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity
Bernard Schutz, A First Course in General Relativity
Sean M. Carroll, Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
Physics 151 Special Topic: Quantum Field Theory (Hitoshi Murayama):
Physics 205A Advanced Dynamics (Edgar Knobloch):
J.V. José & E.J. Saletan, Classical Dynamics, A Contemporary Approach
Physics 231 General Relativity (Yasunori Nomura):
Robert M. Wald, General Relativity
Physics 233A Standard Model and Beyond I (Ben Safdi):
Michael E. Peskin & Daniel V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Matthew D. Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model
Stuart Raby, Introduction to the Standard Model and Beyond: Quantum Field Theory, Symmetries and Phenomenology
Several Courses:
Moataz H. Eman, Covariant Physics: From Classical Mechanics to General Relativity and Beyond
Physics 105 Analytic Mechanics:
David Morin The Lagrangian Method
S. Widnall & J. Peraire MIT 16.07 Dynamics Fall 2008 Lecture L5 - Other Coordinate System
David Kunbiznˇák, PSI Study Text: Theoretical Mechanics
Physics 110A Electromagneticism and Optics:
Physics 112 Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics:
David Tong Statistical Physics
David Tong Statistical Field Theory
Mehran Kardar, MIT 8.333 Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles, Fall 2013
Laws of Thermaldynamics, Wikipedia
Physics 137A Quantum Mechanics:
Robert Littlejohn's Physics 221AB Quantum Mechanics Lecture Recordings and Notes
Physics 139 Special Relativity and General Relativity:
Frederick Schuller's Lecture on General Relativity
Frederick Schuller's Lecture on General Relativity Notes
Physics 151 Special Topic: Quantum Field Theory:
Physics 205A Advanced Dynamics:
Physics 231 General Relativity:
Physics 233A Standard Model and Beyond I:
Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physicists, Marián Fecko
David Tong Statistical Mechanics Note Ch. 1 - Ch. 3,
Field Theory: Path Integral Approach, Ashok Das, Ch. 1 - Ch2
PHYSICS 221AB Quantum Mechanics: Notes 1-11
Griffiths QM 7.1 and Section 7.3.0-7.3.1 (problem 7.17)
Feynman Hughes Lectures Vol5, Lec 3-6

Spring 2022 Physics Notes (Google Drive)
Physics 105 Analytic Mechanics:
Lecture 6 Damped Oscillator & Forced Oscillator
Lecture 8 Gravitational Field, Force, & Potential
Lecture 9 Gravitational Potential & Energy
Lecture 11 Construction of Lagrangian
Lecture 12 Lagrangian and Three Examples
Lecture 13 Derivation of Hamiltonian, Equation of Moti0n, & Poisson Bracket
Lecture 14 Hamiltonian, Equations of Motion, Conservation of Momentum
Physics 110A Electromagneticism and Optics:
Instructor Liang Dai's Lecture Notes 1 Mathematics
Instructor Liang Dai's Lecture Notes 2 Electrostatics
110A March 8 Multipole Expansion
110A March 10 Polarization, Bound Charge
110A March 15 Polarization, Electric Displacement Vector
110A March 29 Electric Displacement, Linear Dielectric
Physics 112 Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics:
Physics 137A Quantum Mechanics:
137 A Mar 11; 137A Mar 11 Second; 137A Mar 11 Second 2
137A Mar 14; 137A Mar 14 Second
137A Mar 16; 137A Mar 16 Second
137A Mar 18; 137A Mar 18 Second; 137A Mar 18 Third
Physics 139 Special Relativity and General Relativity:
Physics 205A Advanced Dynamics:
Physics 231 General Relativity:
Physics 233A Standard Model and Beyond I (Audit):
Lec 1 Thermodynamics
First Law: If A & C systems, B & C systems have the same temperature. A & B systems have the same temperature.
Second Law: In an adiabatic process (there is no heat transfer), the work chance is equal to the (final E - initial E). If there is heat transfer, ∆Q = (Final E - Initial E) - ∆W
In differential form
dE(\vec(x)) = \bar(d) W + \bar(d) Q
Depends on state Depend on path
Quasistatic: Slow (slow enough to maintain equilibrium)
Pull a string sufficient slowly that the string does not start to vibrate (Too rapidly -> oscillating)
Calculate the amount of work
\bar(W) = \Sigma_i J_i dx_i
\Sigma_i Generalized Force
\dx_i Generalized Path
x. J
wire(1d) L. F
film(2d) A. \sigma (surface tension)
gas(3d). V. -P
Magnet. M. B.
x - extensive
J - intensive
\bar(d)W = \Sigma J_i dx_i
\bar(d)Q = ?
dE = \Sigma_i J_i dx_i + ?
Ideal gas scale:
Heat capacity C_{path}= \bar(d)Q_{path}/dT \bar -> dependent on path
C_v C_p
C_v = \bar(d)Q_v/dT = (dE + PdV_v)/dT = ∂E/∂T|_v No mechanic work is done
C_p = \bar(d)Q_p/dT = (dE + PdV_p)/dT = ∂E/∂T|_p + P(∂V/∂T)|_p
Expansion ideal gas
A gas that is adiabatically isolated.
From a chamber to both chambers.
T_f = T_i = T
∆Q = 0 = ∆W -> ∆E
Pressure and volume certainly changed when it goes from one chamber to both chambers.
Ideal gas
E(P, V) = E(T, V)
C_p - C_v = PV/T = N k_b
k_B = 1.4 * 10^{-23}
Lec2 Thermodynamics
A. Equilibrium (x_i, J_i)
x_i generalized displacement
J_i generalized force
Ideal Gas
(V, -P)
Where does it lie in the PV-Plane
B. 0th Laws (Transitive of Equilibrium) If two objects are in equilibrium with the third object they are also in equilibrium with each other
\Theta(x_i, J_i) = \Theta'(x_i', J_i')
The equilibrium has to be the same
Like a balance
(V, -P)
PV = \Theta (constant)
C. 1st laws
The amount of the work is only dependent on the initial and final state.
Conversation of Energy
\exist E(x_i, J_i)
dE = \bar(d)W+ \bar(d)Q
dE only depends on the state
\bar(d) blah depends on the path
Doole's free expansion
Isolate two gases into two chambers
Initial the gas is completely isolated on one side
Final the gas is on both sides
T_f = T_i
E must only be a product of PV
P changes V changes
But PV is constant
Quasistatic: slow enough:
\bar(d) W = \Sigma_i J_i dx_i (when the spring is pulled slowly aka. without vibrations)
mechanical equilibrium J is the same
\bar(d) Q =
temperature for measuring thermal equilibrium
the conjugate? Entropy
Student Qs:
[The equilibrium is ideal
[The adiabatic process is ideal
D. 2nd law
Heat <- -> Work
| Q_H
Engine -> W
| Q_C
\ita = W/Q_H = (Q_H - Q_C)/Q_H < 1
Reverse Refrigerator
\omega = Q_c / W = Q_c / (Q_H - Q_c)
Kelvin: No process is possible whose sole result is complete conversion of heat to work.
(No idea engine, \ita < 1)
Clausius: No process is possible whose sole result is transfer of heat from colder to hotter body. (No ideal refrigerator)
E. Carnot Engine is any engine that is
(1) Reversible: Can go forward/backward by reversing input/output (frictionless)
(2) Operates in cycle (start and endpoints are the same)
(3) All heat input and output at 2 temperature