University of California, Berkeley
Physics & Math Major, Interested in High Energy Physics Theory
Math 277 Topics in Differential Geometry: Dirac Operator & Index Theorem (Richard Balmer)
Math 279 Topics in PDE: Singularity Formation in Evolutionary PDEs (Sung-Jin Oh)
Information: Posted on Oh's Website
Physics 112 Introductory Statistical and Thermal Physics (Austin Hedeman):
Information: Posted on BCourses
Assignment: Gradescope, Due Friday 11:59 pm
Physics 151 Elective Physics: Special Topics: Time (Raphael Bousso):
Information: Posted on BCourses
Assignment: Gradescope, Due Monday 11:59 pm
Exam: 1 midterm, 1 final
Physics H190 Physics Honors Course: Neutrino Physics (Gabriel Orebi Gann):
Information: Posted on BCourses
My Presentation Info:
Title: Neutrino Masses and D-Brane Instaton Effects
Abstract: D-brane instantons of the Type II String orbifold model of certain compactification classes can nonperturbatively contribute to the matter couplings such as Majorana neutrino masses and Yukawa coupling by effectively breaking the global symmetries. D-brane instantons might instead generate small Dirac neutrino masses at the observed scale without fine-tuning. The hierarchy of neutrino masses can appear from the exponentially suppressed contributions of differential instantons.
"Lepton Number And Neutrino Masses" by Witten:
"Yukawa Textures, Neutrino Masses, and Horava-Witten M-Theory" by Arnowitt, Dutta, and Hu,
"Neutrino Masses and Mixing" by Antusch, Ibanez, and Macri,
"Instanton Induced Neutrino Majorana Masses in CFT Orientifolds with MSSM-like spectra" by Ibanez, Schellekens, and Uranga,
"Neutrino Majorana Masses from String Instanton Effects" by Ibanez and Uranga,
"Neutrinos and String" (Slides) by Langacker,
"One String to Rule Them All: Neutrino Masses and Mixing Angles" by Gemill, Howington, and Mayes,
"Majorana neutrino masses by D-Branes instanton effects in magnetized orbifold models" by Hoshiya et al.,
"D-Instanton Generated Dirac Neutrino Masses" by Cvetic and Langacker,
"D-brane Instanton in Type II String Theory" by Blumenhagen, Cvetic, Kachru, and Weigand,
"Yukawa Coupling" (nlab),
Physics 232B Quantum Field Theory (Petr Horava) (Audit, Due to Enrollment Restriction):
Information: Posted on Horava's Website
Directed Reading Program (DRP):
Math Directed Reading Program (Math DRP):
Topic: Topology & Geometry
Mentor: Ronan O'Gorman
Presentation: Homology VS. Homotopy
Club Leadership:
Society of Physics Students (SPS), Seminar Co-Chair
Faculty-Student Lunch (FSL), time varies,
Undergraduate Seminar (UG Seminar), Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm, &
other seminars, panels, and lunch events, time varies,
SPS Officer Meeting, Monday 6:00 - 7:00 pm
SPS General Meeting, Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Cal Day
Society of Women in Physical Science (SWPS), Coordinator
Speaker's Tea
Homework Party
SWPS Officer Meeting, time varies
Club Just for Fun:
Cal Ballroom, Beginner Level
Swing Cal
Swing PE
Argentine Tango
Women in Weightlifting
Lifting Group (Intermediate), Wednesday 8-10 am
Workshop, Thursday 8-9 pm or 9 - 10 pm
PR Night, Tuesday 8-10 pm
Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association (BCSSA), Academic Department
Physics & Engineering Academic Group Running & Newsletter
Mentorship Family
BIG Conference
Academics-Related Articles for BCSSA WeChat Official Account
Summer Science Program Connect (SSP Connect), Mentor
Mentoring a senior and a junior high school students from SSP '22 Astrophysics weekly on
college applications, research opportunities, college life, self-studying materials, physics/math questions, etc.
Two Mentees
It is my second time being SSP Connect Mentor after I had been SSP Mentee in '20-'21.
Apart from mentorship, I also helped with panels for mentees.
Society of Physics Students (SPS) Mentorship Program, Mentor
Three Mentees (with co-mentor Meredith)
Beaver Academy Summer Program Application, Mentor